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Movie Night Devotions!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away......  I was 10. My family got a devotional where we watched movies and talked about it in the biblical sense.  The best part for me is that they were not "Christian" movies.  I had quite the attitude back then, I was going to a private Christian school and thought I had seen every one a hundred times :) The truth is you can find a lot of biblical truth in "secular" movies.  I thought I would share some simple devotionals written by me to do with your family revolving around some popular children's movies or TV shows.  If at all possible I will try and use ones that are available on Netflix and Amazon Prime.  If a movie is rated PG or higher I will include a review so parents can judge for themselves if they want to watch it. All of the list are entitled Family Movie Devotionals.  You can also look for the tag Family Movie Devotionals. Link List of Devotionals: (Coming Soon) Disclaimer: I a...

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