25 Days of Christmas DIY: Day 5

One of my favourite memories from growing up is when Mom took me to see the Nutcracker.  It was what started my longish journey into dance.  Today we are going to be making a Sugar Plum Fairy mobile for your dining room.

ng Needle

First go into Microsoft Word and print out this clip art.  Make it as large as possible to fit on one page. (Search Ballerina)

 Cut it out.

You don't need to be concerned about the bottom of the Tutu.  You'll see why later.

It should look like this:

Trace the template you just cut out.

Cut that out.

You should now have your template and your original.

Next you will make the tutu.
You can make it out of paper, but tissue paper is more transparent and will not block the light as much.

Make a snowflake out of tissue paper.

Be careful not to cut the "top"
Make a small slit at the top of the snowflake and try to carefully slip the tutu on from the top.

After that you should have a completed fairy.

From there make 3 more smaller snowflakes.  Using a thread and needle sew the four pieces together and hang from the middle of the light fixture.

Make 4 more fairys.

Hang in like fashion mixing up how you want to do it.  This is what I did.

Have fun!  Feel free to comment with Questions :)


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